JAVA : Take screenshot of text file

In above code there is a text file named “sample.txt”, it gets converted to “sample.png”. Just call the convert method and pass input path and output path as arguements and execute the code. Happy coding 🙂

How to Zip files in JAVA : Complete Code Tested OK

Above code illustrates conversion of few files into a zipped file. Variables multiplezips – This variable contains the files to be zipped in a comma seperated string. zipFile – This is a string containing the name of the final file to be formed after compressiong all the child files from the variable multiplezips. The above […]

Bitcoin Price Predictions (2021 Update) **

Bitcoin was created in early 2009. Since then, we’ve seen its price increase from Bitcoins to the cent (circa March 2010), all the way up to $19,000+ per Bitcoin. One of the stories that illustrate this growth best is that of two pizzas, which were bought for 10,000 Bitcoins, on May 22, 2010, by a […]

Bitcoin: The trusted cryptocurrency. Tobo Explains how?

Bitcoin is one of the several cryptocurrencies but first to become most popular. It was invented 2008 by a algorithm designer named satoshi nakamoto. A thinker who revolutionized cryptocurrency as early as in 2008. Unlike other currencies(Dollar, Yen, INR) Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency. The Bitcoins are not deposited in banks rather stored in a […]

JAVA Celebrating Silver Jubilee – 25 years domina while Python takes on next challenege

Java – legend in Programming languages completed 25 years. Two crucial Java releases this year were Java 14 and 15. Let’s see what features they individually introduced. Java 14 – attributes like pattern matching for instanceof, a packaging tool, NUMA aware memory allocation for G1 etc. and stuff. Java 15 – developer productivity enhancements like […]

Java code to Download files using sharepoint APIs

Agenda : Generate Access token for share point Download file from share point on local machine For generating the access token we need to use client ID and secret ID which you people must have read already in my previous blog. Pasting the link again for your revision. Now you know the complete process of […]

What are new agriculture laws farmers are protesting against.

The President gave his nod on September 27 to the three argumentative agriculture Bills that were previously passed by the Parliament. The opposition have termed these reforms as “anti farmer moves”. The debate can go on whether new bills are beneficial for the country farmers or are not but why did opposition not oppose the […]

Java code to upload files using sharepoint APIs

Agenda : Generate Access token for share point Upload file to share point on a specified path For generating the access token we need to use client ID and secret ID which you people must have read already in my previous blog. Pasting the link again for your revision. Now you know the complete […]

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