Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS is public cloud computing services provider by Amazon. We will go step by step in getting to know all about AWS.


Traditionally a client is an user machine from where user sends a web request to a server where the application is hosted. The application can be a website or a web service. For example IRCTC website is hosted on a server, an user uses its ticket booking service via an user machine connected to internet.

The client-server paradigm is a distributed application framework that divides tasks or workload between service providers—known as servers—and users—known as clients—of resources or services. When a client computer connects to a server through the internet to request data, the server accepts the request, processes it, and delivers the desired data packets back to the client. None of the resources owned by clients are shared. Email and the World Wide Web are a few examples of client-server models.

Client: The term “client” refers to a person or an organisation that uses a specific service. The same is true in the digital world, where a client is a computer (host) that can request information from service providers or use a certain service (Servers).

Server: Similar to that, the term “servers” refers to a person or medium that provides a service. In the same way, a server in the digital world is a remote computer that offers information (data) or access to certain services.

Client Server Model

How does the client and server communicate?

  1. The user enters the URL into the browser and the request is sent to DNS server
  2. The DNS server returns the respective IP address of the URL
  3. Browser then sends the HTTP/HTTPS request to the URL’s IP address
  4. Server responds by sending the necessary data to the client
  5. Client displays the necessary information on the browser

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